2017年 10 月 13-15日
“Nets at Work: Representing Connection in History”
A Symposium to be held at Renmin University of China, Beijing
13-15 October 2017
Sponsored by the Young Historians’ Workshop, Renmin University of China
Convener: Tu Hsuan-ying, Hou Shen, Gu Liwei
(School of History, RUC)
即使我们生活的信息时代(information age)已被称为网络社会(network society),却依然很难回答这样一个问题,即,将源自16世纪的“网络”一词,用于现代社会和文化分析的具体动因是什么?当John Barnes从曼彻斯特来到挪威的一个渔村,完成他作为人类学家的成年礼(田野调查)时,是什么触动了他,而创造出这样一个比喻性却又是图像化的术语和分析方式?虽然我们能勾勒出John Barnes可能的思想渊源和学术脉络,比如格式塔和结构功能主义,但是,无论理论和思想的路线如何清晰,当我们把网络的图像化模式与前两者相对比时,依然能感觉到视觉性上的鸿沟。 不过,这个词汇的出现似乎又不那么突兀。在我们生活的空间中,网络处处可见。这些网络千差万别,从菌丝连接真菌的生物性网络,到铁路网络,再到现代人类赖以交流却不可见的电磁二进制网络。John Barnes可能是在生活空间中的网络图像中获得启发,或者,他仅仅是在渔村的寂寥中,怀念起了他在曼彻斯特的老师Max Gluckman、同事Clyde Mitchell、Elizabeth Bott。他们构成的研究共同体显然也是一种关系(relationship)构成的网络。 John Barnes创造的这个概念试图在整体文化和社会结构的笼罩之下找到描述结构与流动之间张力的途径。上个世纪的后半页,它在大西洋两岸颇受欢迎,特别是在哈佛和曼切斯特。以其为基础的社会网络分析(social network analysis),可以将大量的数据纳入其中而产生图像化的分析结果,这显然迎合了当时社会科学两个极重要的“幻想”。在当代社会,网络的意义已经突破了学术界的边界。它成为了一个动词,去社交(to network)成为当代职业和私人人际交往的核心观念。而以其为基本理念的各种社交媒体(social media),在近30年内,极大地改变着大众的生活。 不过,这个概念对于历史学是否太过现代了?请不要忘记,时间同样在网络中延展。地球及其上各种有机与无机物的进化,从来不是线性的渐进过程,而是在层层网络的相互影响下形成的多维发散。从地球的深层历史进入人类文明的演化,网络层叠交织,构成时间维度中新旧、古今的相对性。因此,网络不仅仅是一种假设意义上的联系,它也意味着,在空间、人类和非人类的行动者之间,存在一种直接或者间接的功能性连接。它们以物质、思想或实践的方式展现出来。作为一个图像化的分析工具,网络(network)不只是一张“网”(web),其上的点、线乃至它们构成的面,都可以是一种观察的角度和路径。点不只是一个关系的汇集之处(cluster),也是社会位置乃至角色。而线,也不只是关联,可以是传递的容器,也可以是载体。两点之间的关系可以是单线的,也可以是多线的,可以密集,也可以疏离。它可以展示中心化的过程,却也是去中心分析的利器。多个维度可以在一个网络中共存,比如它可以展示社会关系的阶层性,同时也可以描述社会关系如何超越阶层;可以将面对面的关系与毫不相识的关系融入到一个网络之中。另外,我们之所以选择网络而非“网”,在于后者,无论在生态或文化层面,强调被动地建构;而前者,则在被设计、运行的同时,往往超越建构者的想象,直接参与空间与时间的演化之中。它并非仅是历史活动的场景或方式,而是在其自身的结构当中,催生、激化、限制社会、文化与各种生物的活动。 2017年“写历史:实践中的反思”会议主题从差异转向网络,追问差异如何相关联,织就历史和现代世界的种种。在这里,网络既可以是分析工具,也可以是讨论对象。我们希望关注各种网络,包括关于这些网络的概念,这些网络如何建成,维持,直至解体,以及在比喻的意义上,网络如何在历史中的不同空间之间发挥作用。我们希望参与者能对物质性和非物质性的网络进行历史考察,并将不同地域和学科的视野带入我们的讨论中。同时,我们也在追问,当人文科学与数字化的工具相遇,大量而复杂数据建立出各种类型的网络描述之后,我们在点、线、关系的密度、关系的强度之外还能发现哪些新的观察角度。同时,它们对建构多维度的历史图景有何帮助? 在此次会议中,我们将集中讨论以下议题: 地理知识的传播网络(召集人:胡恒) 地理知识的形成虽来自于对物质世界的感知与观察,但因地域、人群、文化的差异而呈现为多元的结构。地理知识的传播同样以其多主体、多途径、多层次、多面向的展开过程,而构成一个复杂的知识网络,其面貌迄今仍晦暗不明。本组以“地理知识的传播网络”为题,既关注近代以来中西之间地理新知识的传播史与接受史,也关注中国古代地理知识传播与疆域拓展、交通贸易、宗教文化、商业出版、文书编纂之间的关系;既关注地理知识之间的内在关联,也关注地理知识传播的主体、路径以及选择机制;既关注铸就精英地理学知识的学术网络,也关注一般民众地理知识的来源与结构,但绝非是将二者对立起来而是试图寻求内在的互动机制。 近代中国的文化网络与政治实践(召集人:高波) 陈寅恪论中古史,以文化为一大关键要素。晚清民国世运由治而乱,局面与魏晋以降相似。加以西风东渐,中西文化互竞互渗、重叠交错,教育、阶级、地域、民族等因素亦纽结于其间。若以阶段而论,从自强运动到共产主义革命,伴随着不同的政治实践,文化网络持续地破缺重组;而政治实践本身的内容与形式,亦因之不断变动。在此过程中,不同群体相继登场,既担当文化网络的织造者与政治实践的主体,又受此种网络与实践的塑造与制约。本组即拟从文化网络与政治实践的互动中,寻找理解近代中国变迁的可能性。 近代欧洲的思想网络 (召集人:王文婧) “若不承认思想家们互相影响、互相连接,就不可能写出一部欧洲思想史。”Friedrich Heer在他的《欧洲思想史》中如是说。近代欧洲的思想领域群星璀璨,推动着欧洲甚至是整个世界智力事业的发展。思想家们(包括神学家、哲学家、科学家、诗人、艺术家等)的思想观念及其发展历程也因此在历史研究中得到了普遍关注。不过,正如Friedrich Heer指出的,任何观念和想法都不是无本之木,其广泛传播也绝非偶然:它们不仅是过去与现在的遭遇邂逅,更是其时各种观点思潮碰撞交锋的结果。因此,对欧洲思想的研究不仅应该包括寻找某一思想的学术谱系,努力绘制其背后的社会网络图景也应是题中之意。 纠缠于环境之网(召集人:侯深、柯安慈 Agnes Kneitz) 智人并非孤独飘荡于地球行星的物种,其生命历程与各种其他物种:植物、动物、微生物相纠缠,共同构建了广阔而多层次的生命之网。这个网络因为人类以及其他物种的迁移而不断扩张,其各自在此网之中所占据的生态位也不断发生改变。人类历史的演化无从避免地构织于此网络之中,人类物质的丰裕与匮缺,其权力的消长与分布,其思想的演绎与碰撞,都同此网中的其他生命息息相关。而无论其所驯化的物种,抑或尚在自生自灭的野生生命,都不间断地在人类生命历程中留下它们的印记,或变作能源,或成为食物,或引发疾病,或被赋予某种神性、美学与精神的价值,或因为人类有意或无心之举而至灭绝。本组意在考察这一环境之网的演化过程,探寻人类与其生存之境之间一时不可或歇的纠结历史。 亲疏有别:人际网络中的学人与学术(召集人:姜萌) “学术者,乃天下之公器”。不过,地分南北,人有亲疏。学缘、地缘、血缘重重裹缠下的学人,对待学术往往难以纯粹洒脱。既如亚里士多德,也要借助“吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理”,让自己超脱人际网络的束缚。“人言人殊”与“好丹非素”的背后,总能看到“亲疏有别”。学人生生死死,学术起起落落,定情谊,别异同,惺惺相惜或恩恩怨怨,学术的世界总有涟漪。“天下一致而百虑,同归而殊途”?或许。 网络、组织与历史时期的社会(召集人:林展) 每一个个体都与网络发生联系。这里的网络可能是一个商业组织,人们以此传递信息、知识,解决冲突。网络也可能是交通网络这样的基础设施,人群、物流、信息与资本通过交通网络汇集和扩散,但交通网络同时也可能连接了疾病与瘟疫。本专题的四篇报告,将分别从信息传递、社会组织、交通网络的角度,分析明清至民国时期,人们的经济活动、社会冲突、疾病传播等。 信息网络中的权力流动(召集人:杜宣莹、古丽巍) 信息网络不仅仅是消息及知识的传递媒介,亦是争夺利益的筹码,国家各机构及势力群体建立和控制多种信息网络,从而构成对国家社会的管理和控制,透过信息的流动往往可以观察出其映射的权力版图。这些机构及势力群体更藉由控管信息以竞逐权力,导致权力版图的转移与政治结构的转型。信息网络中的各环节,既包括信息传递过程中的起讫点、不同行政层级、不同地理单元之间的博弈;也涵括信息网络中各个层级的参与者,上至君王与统治菁英,下至次级行政层的吏、门客,以及地方乡绅,或是位处信息末端的平民,乃至于在传统研究中被贬抑噤声的女性,皆受限于性别、活动空间,与信息性质等因素,在各权力活动中的此消彼长,催化权力在阶级间与政权空间内的流动、转移。而这些信息之载体,包括依托于政务文书的编撰、情报系统之监管、出版审查,与文教礼仪制度等,不仅形塑阶级或敌我意识形态,也塑成一系列权力网络。
Thesis Statement
Even though the information age in which we are living has already been called the network society, it is still difficult for us to answer what was motivated the application of the 16th century word “network” in this modern society and cultural analysis. When John Barnes left Manchester for a fishing village in Norway to accomplish his rite of passage (field research), what after all inspired him to create such a figurative but also visualized jargon and means of analysis? Although we may demarcate the possible intellectual origins and academic lineage of John Barnes, i.e. Gestalt and structural functionalism, such clear theoretic and intellectual route fails to fill the gap of visuality when we compare the two theories with the figurative model of network.
On the other hand, however, the emergence of the word seems not so abrupt. We find network everywhere in our living spaces. These networks vary in a wide range, from the biological networks where hyphae connect fungi, to the railway network, to the electromagnetic binary network that we rely on for communication but invisible. John Barnes might have acquired his inspiration from those network images in the living spaces. Or it was likely that he might have reminisced his professor Max Gluckman and colleagues like Clyde Mitchell and Elizabeth Bott in the lonesomeness of the fishing village. The research community established by them was obviously a network founded on a certain relationship.
The concept coined by John Barnes intends to find the channel to describe the tensions between structure and flows under the cover (shadow?) of comprehensive culture and social structure. In the latter half of the 20th century, the concept was embraced in the Transatlantic community, especially at Harvard and Manchester. The social network analysis based on it is able to incorporate a mass amount of data to generate visualized outcomes, which catered to two crucial “fantasies” of the contemporary social sciences. In today’s society, the significance of network has already broken out of its academic boundaries. It has become a verb: to network is the key concept for nowadays’ professional and private communication. And various social media based on this concept has changed the life of the public dramatically.
Can historians use this concept, or is it too modern for us? Can we use it to talk about the connections between deep time and contemporary events, connecting the present generation to our most ancient ancestors? The evolution of planet earth has never followed a simple progressive line; on the contrary, it has, like any network, been a complex web stretching across multiple dimensions and whole epochs of time. From the deep history of planet earth to the evolution of human civilization, networks have been overlapping and entangled which has formed the relativeness of the “new” and the “old”, and the “ancient” and the “modern” in different time scales. Therefore, networks suggest not merely an assumptive connection, but also some direct or indirect functional links among spaces, humans and nonhuman activists. They unfold themselves in material, intellectual or practical ways.
To think about networks is not merely to imagine some entangling “web” but rather to see all the individual dots, lines, and surfaces composed of them could all serve as angles and approaches for investigation. A single dot in the historical web might be viewed not only as a “relationship” or state of “being related” and interdependent but also a social position or role. And a line is not just about connection; it is also a container or carrier of messages. The relationship between two dots in time could be unilinear or multilinear, dense or loose. It could demonstrate the process of increasing centralization, or, as it unravels, it could suggest decentralization. Multiple dimensions can co-exist in one network. For example, network analysis in history could show relationships become stratified but also how they might transcend stratification. Some network relations may be face-to-face while others are abstract and faceless. Furthermore, we choose network instead of “web” because the latter emphasizes passive construction no matter on ecological or cultural level; yet the former, while it is designed and ran, often transcends the conception of the constructors and participate in the transformation of time and space. It serves not only a stage or means for historical activities, but also stimulates, intensify, or limit various social, cultural, or biological activities in its own structure.
In 2017, the theme of the conference series “Writing History: Reflection during Practice” shifts from difference to network, asking how differences have been linked and woven into the panorama of the historical and contemporary world. In this conference, network will be defined both as a means of analysis and a subject for debate. We will attempt to pay attention to various networks, how they have been built, maintained or broken down. We are also interested in understanding how networks function in different spaces of history on a figurative level. We hope that our participants investigate both material and non-material networks historically and bring perspectives from different regions and disciplines into our discussion. We also would like to ask when humanities encounter digital means and established various types of network description based on numerous and complex data, what new perspectives we could discover besides dots, lines, the density and intensity of relationships. Meanwhile, how helpful could they be in terms of constructing a multi-dimensional historical landscape?
We are going to focus on these subthemes in this conference:
1.The dissemination network of geographic knowledge (Convener: HU Heng)
2.The cultural network and political practice of modern China (Convener: GAO Bo)
3.The intellectual network in modern Europe (Convener: WANG Wenjing)
4.The entanglements of humans with their environments (Conveners: HOU Shen and Agnes KNEITZ)
5.The distinction between the near and the distant: The intellectuals and their work in the human network (Convener: JIANG Meng)
6.Network, Organization, and Historical Societies (Convener, LIN Zhan)
7.The circulation of power in the network of information (Conveners: TU Hsuan-ying and GU Liwei)
Conference Program
2017年10 月13日(周五)
14时至 17时 30 分
Friday, 13 October 2017
报到 Registration
开幕 Opening
主持人:高波 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Gao Bo (School of History, RUC)
Venue: Auditorium, School of Art, RUC
14:50-15:10 致辞 Opening Remarks
致辞人:黄兴涛 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Speaker: Huang Xingtao (School of History, RUC)
15:10-15:30 合影 Photographs
“Speaking History” Series of Lectures
Lecture I: In Search of Eggs: The Dynamics of Reproduction and the Establishment of
Assisted Reproductive Technologies in China, 1950-1980
Speaker: Liu Xueting(Journalist and Writer)
演讲二:网络中漂移的实体? 杀死拉美西斯二世的机关枪与当下写作疾病史的半径
Lecture II: The Entities Shifting in Networks?: The Machine Gun Which Would Have Killed
Ramesses II and the Radius of Current Writing on History of Diseases
主讲人:陈昊 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Speaker: Chen Hao (School of History, RUC)
2017年10 月14日(周六)
Saturday, 14 October 2017
9:00- 11:30 (10:10 -10:30 茶歇Break)
Session A
信息网络中的权力流动 (The Circulation of Power in the Network of Information)
人文楼三层会议室 (3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:杜宣莹 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Tu Hsuan-ying (School of History, RUC)
初庆东 (Chu Qingdong) 华中师范大学历史文化裸聊直播
(School of History and Culture, Central China Normal University)
信息监管与国家秩序:近代早期英格兰文书国家的兴起 (Information Surveillance and State Order: The Rise of the Paper State in Early Modern England)
闫建飞 (Yan Jianfei) 湖南大学岳麓书院 (Yuelu Academy, Hunan University) 唐后期五代的州郡专达 (A Study on Prefectures from Zhuanda in the Late Tang and the Five Dynasties)
杜宣莹 (Tu Hsuan-ying) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC) 门客入侵 弗朗西斯‧沃尔辛厄姆之秘书处与都铎晚期的官僚政治 (The Invasion of Clients: Francis Walsingham’s Secretariat and the Politics of Late Tudor Bureaucracy)
古丽巍 (Gu Liwei) 中国人民大学附中&裸聊直播
唐宋史研究中心 (RUC) 宋代枢密院承旨司:从“西院直公”到枢府属司 (The Reception of Edicts in the Bureau of Military Affairs in the Song Dynasty)
General Commentator: Fang Cheng-hua (Department of History, Taiwan University)
Session B
近代中国的文化网络与政治实践 (The Cultural Networks and Political Practices in Modern China)
人文楼四层会议室 (4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:高波 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Gao Bo (School of History, RUC)
韩策 (Han Ce) 北京大学历史学系 (Department of History, Peking University)
评议人:周月峰(Critic: Zhou Yuefeng)
江督非湘人不可:晚清湘人督江格局的形成(The Governor of Liangjiang Must Be From Hunan: The Formation of the Hunanese Governance over Liangjiang District in the Late Qing Dynasty)
高波 (Gao Bo) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)
评议人:陆胤(Critic: Lu Yin)
晚清京师政治网络中“同治”话语的形成与变异(The Formation and Evolution of the Discourse of “Tongzhi” in the Central Political Network of Peking during the Late Qing Dynasty)
陆胤 (Lu Yin) 北京大学中文系 (Department of Chinese Literature, Peking University) 评议人:韩策(Critic: Han Ce)
章太炎的经学与文学:在读写文化的视野 (Taiyan Zhang’s Classical Studies and Literature: From the Perspective of Literacy)
周月峰 (Zhou Yuefeng) 华中师范大学中国近代史研究所 (Institute of Modern Chinese History, Central China Normal University)
Critic: Ji Jianqing, Institute of Cultural Studies, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences 另一场新文化运动:梁启超诸人的文化努力与五四思想界(Another New Cultural Movement: The Cultural Enterprise around Qichao Liang and Its Relation with the May Fourth Intelligentsia)
2017年10 月14日(周六)
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Session A
亲疏有别:人际网络中的学人与学术 (The Distinction Between the Near and the Distant: The Intellectuals and Their Work in the Human Network)
人文楼三层会议室 (3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:姜萌 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Jiang Meng (School of History, RUC)
王坚 (Wang Jian) 河北师范大学历史文化裸聊直播
(School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University)
论清代中后期中州夏峰北学推进的地缘、学缘因素 兼论清学史叙述模式的重塑 (The Geographical and Academic Factors Promoting the Xia Feng North School in the Central Plains during the Late Qing Dynasty: Reshaping the Narrative Model of Qing Studies)
姜萌 (Jiang Meng) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)
清末民初的学人认同与知识生产 以《清史稿》编纂为中心的探讨 (Scholars’ Identity and Knowledge Production at the End of the Qing Dynasty: A Study Focusing on the Compilation of The Draft Of Qing Dynasty History)
王庆明 (Wang Qingming) 南开大学周恩来政府管理裸聊直播
(Zhou Enlai School of Management, Nankai University)
国企产权变革中工人的集体话语与个体表达:单位人口述史的方法论反思 (The Collective Discourse and Individual Expression of Workers during the Property Right Reform of State-owned Enterprise: Reexamining the Oral History Approach of Danweiren (the Persons Attached to and Identified with Their Employers)
General Commentator: Wang Yulei (School of Public Administration, South China University of Technology)
15:30 -16:00 茶歇 (Break)
16:00 -17:30
Session B
近代欧洲的思想网络 (The Intellectual Network in Modern Europe)
人文楼三层会议室 (3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:王文婧 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Wang Wenjing (School of History, RUC)
卢镇 (Lu Zhen) 河南大学历史文化裸聊直播
(School of History and Culture, Henan University)
评议人:王文婧(Critic: Wang Wenjing)
“保守”还是“革命”:以社会关系网络为视角探析皮科的两个脸谱 (“Conservative” or “Revolutionary:” The Interpretation of the Two Faces of Pico in the Social Network Perspective)
周保巍 (Zhou Baowei) 华东师范大学政治学系 (Department of Politics, East China Normal University)
评议人:王涛(Critic: Wang Tao)
启蒙与“a More Enlarged View”:《国富论》与斯密的信息网络 (The Enlightenment and “a More Enlarged View”: The Wealth of Nations and the Information Network of Adam Smith)
王涛(Wang Tao)南京大学裸聊直播
(School of History, Nanjing University)
评议人:周保巍(Critic: Zhou Baowei)
18世纪欧洲启蒙思想家的人际与思想网络:基于维基百科人物词条(The Networks of Relationship and Knowledge between the Enlightenment Thinkers in 18th-Century Europe: The Example of Wikipedia)
14:00 -17:30
Session C
地理知识的传播网络 (The Dissemination Network of Geographic Knowledge)
人文楼四层会议室 (4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:胡恒 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Hu Heng (School of History, RUC)
潘威 (Pan Wei),马锦绢 (Ma Jinjuan) 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院 (Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Socio-Economic Development, Shaanxi Normal University)
评议人:萧凌波(Critic: Xiao Lingbo)
清代黄河志桩报汛制度网络的运作 (The Information Management Network of the Yellow River Floods in the Qing Dynasty)
萧凌波 (Xiao Lingbo) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)
评议人:潘威(Critic: Pan Wei)
1736-1911年华北饥荒指数序列重建及其与水旱灾害的时空关系(The Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Famines and Its Relationship With Floods & Droughts in North China, 1736-1911)
刘传飞 (Liu Chuanfei) 中国海洋大学文学与新闻传播裸聊直播
(College of Liberal Arts, Journalism and Communication, Ocean University of China)
评议人:张佳静(Critic: Zhang Jiajing)
中西地图传统交汇下的清末《新疆全省舆地图》(The Complete Atlas of Xinjiang (Xinjiang Quansheng Yuditu) Produced in the Convergence of the Sino-Western Cartographic Traditions in the Late Qing Dynasty)
张佳静 (Zhang Jiajing) 中国科裸聊直播
(School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
评议人:刘传飞(Critic: Liu Chuanfei)
地图晕渲法在近代中国的传播与应用 (The Dissemination and Application of the Hill Shading Method in Modern China)
胡迪 (Hu Di) 南京师范大学地理科学裸聊直播
(School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University)
评议人:胡恒(Critic: Hu Heng)
历史地理信息时空建模与定位方法研究 (The Spatio-Temporal Modeling And Positioning Approach of Historical Geographic Information)
胡恒 (Hu Heng) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)
评议人:胡迪(Critic: Hu Di)
GIS所见“冲繁疲难”与清代政治地理格局初探 (The Chong-Fan-Pi-Nan System and the Political Geographic Pattern in the Qing Dynasty Based on GIS)
2017年10 月15日(周日)
Sunday, 15 October 2017
9:00-11:30(10:10 -10:30 茶歇Break)
Session A
纠缠于环境之网 (The Entanglements of Humans with Their Environments)
人文楼三层会议室 (3rd-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:侯深 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
) Chair: Hou Shen (School of History, RUC)
段蕾 (Duan Lei) 中国人民大学校长办公室 (Presidential Office, RUC) 20世纪80年代的官厅水库治理:一个环境与政治的互动视角 (The Regulation of the Guanting Reservoir in the 1980s: A Perspective on the Interaction between Environment and Politics)
柯安慈 (Agnes Kneitz) 慕尼黑大学蕾切尔·卡森环境与社会中心 (The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) 人类 疾病 网络:1910年德占青岛之肺鼠疫 (Human-Disease-Networks: The 1910 Pneumonic Plague in German Qingdao)
刘向阳 (Liu Xiangyang) 河北师范大学历史文化裸聊直播
(School of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University)
美国环境治理中经济手段与政治力量的交织 以成本 效益分析的运用为例(The Intertwining of the Economic Means and Political Power in American Environmental Governance: A Case Study Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis)
王瓒玮 (Wang Zanwei) 中国社会科裸聊直播
日本研究所 (The Institute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
记忆之网中的日本阪神淡路大地震 (The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in the Memory Web)
徐轶杰 (Xu Yijie) 中国社会科裸聊直播
当代中国研究所 (The Institute of Contemporary China Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences )
全球地方性环境危机:北京对于空气污染的不懈斗争 (Global-Local Environmental Crises: Beijing’s Persistent Fight Against Air Pollution)
General Commentator: Cao Mu (School of History and Culture, Tianjin Normal University)
Session B
网络、组织与历史时期的社会 (Network, Organization, and Historical Societies)
人文楼四层会议室 (4th-Floor Conference Room of Humanities Building)
主持人:林展 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Lin Zhan (School of History, RUC)
彭凯翔 (Peng Kaixiang) 河南大学经济裸聊直播
(School of Economics, Henan University)
评议人:郝煜(Critic: Hao Yu)
明清中国的世俗知识传播与市场运作 (The Diffusion of Popular Knowledge and the Operation of the Market in Ming and Qing China)
周琳 (Zhou Lin) 四川大学历史文化裸聊直播
(School of History and Culture, Sichuan University)
) Critic: Hu Xiangyu (School of History, RUC)
为何殴斗不止? 乾隆至同治时期的重庆脚夫组织(The Logic of Fighting: The Porter Organization of Qing Dynasty Chongqing, 1773-1874)
郝煜 (Hao Yu) 北京大学经济裸聊直播
(School of Economic, Peking University)
) Critic: Zhu Hu (School of History, RUC)
太平天国、绅士的崛起和慈善组织的发展 (The Taiping Rebellion, Charity Institutions and the Rise Of Gentry)
李楠 (Li Nan) 上海财经大学经济裸聊直播
(School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
评议人:林展(Critic: Lin Zhan)
交通网络与疫病传播:基于近代东北流行性鼠疫的考察,1880-1911 (Transportation Network and the Spread of Disease: The Manchurian Plague,1880-1911)
2017年10 月15日(周日)
Sunday, 15 October 2017
闭幕 Closing
主持人:侯深 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Chair: Hou Shen (School of History, RUC)
Venue: Yifu Conference Center, RUC
13:30-15:00 主题演讲Keynote Speech
Female Scientists in the People’s Republic of China and Their Networks of Knowledge
主讲人:张藜 中国科裸聊直播
Speaker: Zhang Li (School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
15:00-15:30 茶歇 (Break)
15:30-17:00 圆桌会议 Roundtable Discussion
主持人:侯深 (裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Moderator: Hou Shen (School of History, RUC)
与谈人:方震华 (台湾大学历史学系)、陆胤(北京大学中文系)、彭凯翔(河南大学经济裸聊直播
Speakers: Fang Cheng-hua (Department of History, Taiwan University), Lu Yin (Department of Chinese Literature, Peking University), Peng Kaixiang (School of Economics, Henan University), Wang Yulei (School of Public Administration, South China University of Technology), Zhu Hu (School of History, RUC)
17:00-17:30致辞 Closing Remarks
关键词的兔子洞与写作的路标: “写历史:实践中的反思”系列会议的后记与致谢
A Rabbit Hole of Keywords and the Signposts of Writing: The Epilogue of the “Writing
History: Reflection During Practices” Symposiums Series
致辞人:陈昊 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
Speaker: Chen Hao (School of History, RUC)
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