Understanding Covid-19 from an Historical Perspective
——Dialogue between Chinese and English Scholars
In 2020, Covid-19 spread across every continent. The pandemic is the most serious public health challenge since the World War II. It will affect the development of political, economic, and social life of society for the foreseeable future. This is not a crisis of one region, one country, or one nation, but a crisis of all mankind. The virus is our common enemy, unless everyone is safe, no one is safe.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, many scholars who are engaged in research of social history of medicine actively express their opinions. The theme of this international conference is understanding Covid-19 compared with plagues in world history, including the government measures, public response and the impact on social development.
(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app 教授)
Xiurong Zhao
(Professor in School of History, Renmin University of China)
赵秀荣,裸聊直播-裸聊直播app 教授,日内瓦大学外聘研究员。研究方向为英国医疗社会史。先后在《中国社会科学》(英文版),《世界历史》《史学理论研究》《史学月刊》《史学集刊》等期刊上发表论文数十篇,出版专著四部,译著一部。曾在美国哈佛大学、英国华威大学和伦敦大学裸聊直播 访学,并在瑞士日内瓦大学工作四年。
Xiurong Zhao is Professor in History School at Renmin University of China. She is also associate researcher in the University of Geneva. She studies social history of medicine in England. She has published dozens of essays in this field in Social Sciences in China (English Version), World History, Historiography Quarterly, Journal of Historical Science and Collected Paper of History Studies. She has published four books and translated one book. Previously she was a visiting scholar in the University of Harvard; the University of Warwick and the University College of London. She has worked in University of Geneva for four years.
维维安·纳顿(伦敦大学裸聊直播 医学史系荣休教授)
Vivian Nutton
(Emeritus Professor at the University College London)
Face to Face with Epidemics, from the Athenian Plague to the Renaissance
维维安·纳顿(Vivian Nutton),伦敦大学裸聊直播 医疗史系荣休教授,曾为莫斯科第一医科大学医疗史系教授。他是英国学术院院士、德国科裸聊直播 成员,以及法兰西学会的外籍通讯成员。他的著作和讲座内容涵盖古代至16世纪医学的各个方面。近年来他的著作有《古代医学》(编辑,2013);《温特和维萨里笔下的盖伦的解剖学原则》(2017);《约翰·凯厄斯的文献学》(2018);《盖伦:罗马帝国时期的一位有思想的医生》(2020)等。目前他主要研究的课题是“16世纪医学史”。
Vivian Nutton is emeritus professor of the history of medicine at UCL and a former professor of the history of medicine at the First Moscow Medical University. He is a Fellow of the British Academy, a member of the German Academy of Sciences, and a foreign corresponding member of the Institut de France. He has written and lectured extensively on all aspects of medicine from Antiquity to the sixteenth century. His recent books include Ancient Medicine, ed. 2, 2013; Principles of Anatomy according to the Opinion of Galen, by Johann Guinter and Andreas Vesalius, 2017; An Autobibliography, by John Caius, 2018; and Galen: A Thinking Doctor in Imperial Rome, 2020. His present project is a history of medicine in the sixteenth century.
(伦敦大学裸聊直播 医学史系荣休副教授)
Andrew Wear
(Emeritus Reader at the University College London)
Topic:Plague in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England and Covid in Twenty First Century England : Echoes and Differences
安德鲁·韦尔(Andrew Wear),伦敦大学裸聊直播 医学史系荣休副教授(Emeritus Reader),也曾是伦敦维尔康医学史研究中心成员。他的研究兴趣是近代早期(16-17世纪)英国和欧洲医疗史,近年来他还从事殖民活动与环境方面的研究。他著有《英国医学的知识与实践,1550-1680》,合著《西方的医学传统》,都由剑桥大学出版社出版。他主编的书中有丹尼尔·笛福的《为瘟疫做准备》。
Andrew Wear is Emeritus Reader in History of Medicine and History at University College London and a former member of the Wellcome Trust History of Medicine Unit in London. He has research interests in early modern (sixteenth and seventeenth century) English and European history of medicine and more recently he has also worked on colonial settlement and the environment. He is the author of Knowledge and Practice in English Medicine, 1550-1680; joint author of the Western Medical Tradition and editor of Medicine in Society, all published by Cambridge University Press. Amongst his edited books is Daniel Defoe’s Due Preparations for the Plague.
高 晞
Xi Gao
(Professor in History Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)
Topic: The Cognitive Evolution from “Plague” to “Infectious Disease”
高晞,现为复旦大学历史系教授,中国科学技术史学会医学史专业委员会副主任。著有《德贞传——一个英国传教士与晚清医学近代化》、《中外医学文化交流史》(合著),主编《医学与历史》,普通高等教育“十三五”全国高等医裸聊直播 校本科规划教材《医学史》的副主编(2019年版),并在海内外权威与核心刊物上发表论文30余篇。历任哈佛大学燕京学社访问学者、英国格拉斯哥大学、华威大学访问学者、德国汉堡大学访问学者、日本关西大学访问学者以及法国高等社会科裸聊直播 访问学者。
Xi Gao is Professor in Department of School, Fudan University. She is also the Deputy Director of the Committee of the Chinese Society for the History of Medicine. She is author of A Biography of John Dudgeon: A British Missionary and Chinese Medical Modernization in late Qing, joint author of the History of Intercultural Medicine Communication between China and Foreign Countries, Chief-in edition of textbook of The Medicine and History. She has published several research articles in English volumes and the international journals on the history of culture. Previously she was a visiting fellow in Harvard Yenching Institute; University of Glasgow and University of Warwick; Universität Hamburg in Germany; Kansai University in Japan; and École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in France.
Huacheng Li
(Professor in Institute for Medicine and Civilization, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China)
Topic:Knowledge, Approaches and the Functioning of Society in the Prevention and Control of Epidemic Diseases
李化成,陕西师范大学历史文化裸聊直播 教授,兼医学与文明研究院院长。他的研究兴趣是医疗史和世界中世纪史。曾在《中国社会科学》和《历史研究》等权威期刊发表论文数篇。曾于2017-2018年和2010-2011年在剑桥大学访学;2015-1016年在华威大学访学。
Huacheng Li is Professor in School of History and Culture, and the Dean of Institute for Medicine and Civilization at Shaanxi Normal University. His research interests include social history of medicine and medieval world history. He has published dozens of essays in Social Sciences in China and Historical Research. He has been a visiting scholar in Cambridge University (2010-2011, 2017-2018) and Warwick University (2015-2016).
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