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发布者:裸聊直播 发布时间:2014-06-25 10:06 阅读量:

From English Gentlemen to Japanese Samurai: the Modern Invention of Bushido (武士道)

【主讲】:Oleg Benesch博士(英国约克大学)
【主持】:王大庆 副教授
【评议】:孟广林 教授         


Dr Oleg Benesch is Anniversary Research Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in History at the University of York, specializing in the history of early modern and modern Japan. Dr Benesch obtained his PhD from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and was Past & Present Fellow at the Institute of Historical Research at the University of London. His publications and research interests cover a variety of fields, including Japanese intellectual, religious, and social history, Chinese intellectual history, as well as the transnational history of modern East Asia. Dr Benesch's book Inventing the Way of the Samurai: Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bushido in Modern Japan (Oxford University Press, Sept. 2014) examines the historical development of the Japanese ethic of bushido from the nineteenth century onward.


This talk discusses the development of bushido (武士道), which is widely viewed as a core element of the Japanese national character and has been described as the “soul of Japan.” Bushido is not a continuation of ancient traditions, however, but developed from a search for identity in the late nineteenth century. By the 1880s, the samurai were viewed quite negatively in Japan, and the first significant discussions of bushido around 1890 were influenced by European ideals of gentlemen and chivalry. As Japanese thinkers became increasingly interested in their own traditions, bushido grew as a unifying symbol of national identity. In the early twentieth century, bushido became a key subject in civilian and military education, as well as a popular theme in literature and popular culture. After Japan’s victory in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, bushido became known throughout the world, and many thinkers in England saw Japan as a model and desired to introduce bushido ideals to their own society. 

