征稿启事Call for Papers
The Nature of Health, the Health of Nature:
Perspectives from History and the Humanities
时间:2019年5月30日 6月1日
An international workshop to be held in Beijing, at Renmin University of China,
30 May-1 June 2019
Co-Sponsored by
the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China,
and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich
[email protected]。
The conference will be open to all ranks of scholars, from graduate students to senior professors to independents. Participants will be selected competitively. Those interested in attending should send a one-page proposal (or about 300 words) and include a title and a one- or two-page CV. Please send your proposal (in English or Chinese) to this Rachel Carson Center address: [email protected].
The deadline for consideration is 1 January 2019. Successful proposals will be announced around 1 February, and complete drafts of papers (minimum of 5,000 words in English or the equivalent in Chinese characters) will be required by 1 May 2019. All papers will be circulated to the participants in advance and will not be orally presented in full during the conference.
Travel expenses for scholars living outside of China will be paid by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Scholars living within China should depend on their own universities for covering travel expenses. For all participants, hotel expenses for four nights will be covered by Renmin University of China.
Since Rachel Carson’s path-breaking book Silent Spring (1962), many experts and citizens have been trying to understand how the health of nature and of human beings are related in the past, present, and future. Old concepts of disease and illness have been challenged by more holistic approaches that link humans to their environmental conditions. Toxic residues in the air, water, and soil have moved to the forefront of medical analysis, while ecologists have tried to define what a “healthy ecosystem” or “a healthy Earth” might mean. This workshop will bring scholars to address such questions as these:
· 健康的定义如何随时间而变迁,政治的、科学的、宗教的和其他力量如何影响这些定义?
· 在不同的文化和社会中,历史中的人体和自然有怎样的联系?
· 关于人类健康的话语与环境退化、地球衰败的想象如何相关联?
· 如气候变迁这样的地球变化趋势如何影响人类和非人类的健康?
·How have definitions of health changed over time, and how have politics, science, religion, and other forces influenced those definitions?
·What connections have different cultures and societies made between the human body and nature in the past?
·How have discourses on human health and imaginaries of environmental degradation and planetary decay been linked?
·What effect have planetary trends such as climate change had on human and nonhuman health?
此次会议向处于职业生涯各个阶段的研究者, 从研究生到资深教授到独立学者,开放征稿。我们将遴选所有申请,最终决定参会人选。申请者需要提交论文题目、一页以内的英文论文摘要(或者大约三百词)、一至两页的学术简历(英文或中、英文)。请发送至蕾切尔·卡森中心的电子邮箱:
Nancy Langston,密歇根技术大学环境史杰出教授,美国环境史协会前任主席,将会为我们做主旨演讲。她近期的著作包括《毒躯》,该书追问扰乱激素的化学物质为何以及怎样渗透到我们的身体和环境中;《保护苏必利尔湖》,此书关注在气候的变迁之下,流域的健康、人类的健康和森林的健康之间相互关联的历史。
Nancy Langston, Distinguished Professor of Environmental History at Michigan Technological University, will be our keynote speaker. Her most recent books include Toxic Bodies, which asks how and why endocrine disrupting chemicals have saturated our bodies and our environments, and Sustaining Lake Superior, which focuses on the interconnected histories of watershed health, human health, and forest health--all in the context of climate change.
·Helmuth Trischler,德意志博物馆研究部主任,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität近现代史、技术史教授,Rachel Carson中心共同主任
·唐沃思(Donald Worster),美国堪萨斯大学杰出荣休教授
The steering committee for the conference consists of:
· Mingfang Xia
Director of the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, and professor of history in the Qing Institute
· Helmuth Trischler
Head of research at the Deutsches Museum, professor of modern history and the history of technology at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, and co-director of the Rachel Carson Center, Munich
· Shen Hou
Deputy Director of the Center for Ecological History and associate professor of world history at Renmin University of China
· Chen Hao
Assistant Professor of History, Renmin University of China
· Donald Worster
Hall Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA, and Distinguished Foreign Expert, Renmin University of China, Beijing
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