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发布者:裸聊直播 发布时间:2015-05-25 16:05 阅读量:
会议日程 THURSDAY, MAY 28 

5月28日 周四 
Meeting Room 1, Yifu Conference Center 


3:30-4:00 pm Opening Ceremony 开幕式 

Moderator: Xia Mingfang 主持人:夏明方 

Translator: Hou Shen 翻译:侯深 

Welcoming addresses by Huang Xingtao, Dean of the School of History, RUC; and Helmuth Trischler, Co-Director of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU/ Research Director of the Deutsches Museum, Munich 
院长黄兴涛、慕尼黑大学蕾切尔卡逊研究中心副主任和慕尼黑德意志博物馆研究主任赫尔穆特·特里施勒(Helmuth Trischler)致欢迎辞

Welcoming remarks President Chen Yulu, President, Renmin University of China 

4:00-4:15 pm Photographs 照相 

4:15-5:00 pm Keynote Address 主旨演讲 

Edmund Russell, “Spinning their Way into History: Silkworms, Mulberries, and Manufacturing Landscapes” 埃德蒙鲁·罗素, 《飞梭织史:桑、蚕与制造的景观》 

6:30 pm Welcoming Dinner (Huixian Restaurant) 

5月29日 周五 

Meeting Room 1, Yifu Conference Center 

上午 8:30 am-12:00 pm 

Session 1: Landscapes of Food / 会议第一场:食物的景观 

Chair: Donald Worster / 主席: 唐纳德·沃斯特 

Li Yushang and Gu Weifang, “From Artificial Feeding to Natural Forage: Fish Cultivation in River Channels of the Shaoxing Plain, China, Since the 16th Century” (Critic: Yang Wenjun) 
李玉尚、顾维方 《从人工饲料到自然食物:16世纪以来中国绍兴平原的河道养鱼》(评议人:杨雯筠) 

Björn-Ola Linnér and Roger Pielke Jr., “Green Revolution and Political Myth” (Critic: Frederick Rowe Davis) 
比约恩-奥拉·林纳(Björn-Ola Linnér)、小罗杰·皮尔克(Roger Pielke Jr.) 《绿色革命的神话》(评议人:弗里德里克·罗·戴维斯) 

Frederick Rowe Davis, “Pesticides and the Paradox of the Anthropocene: From Natural to Synthetic to Synthesized Nature” (Critic: Helen Curry) 
弗里德里克·罗·戴维斯(Frederick Rowe Davis) 《杀虫剂与人类世的悖论:从天然的到合成的自然》(评议人:海伦·柯里) 

Helen Curry, “Breeding Uniformity and Banking Diversity: The Genescapes of Modern Industrial Agriculture, 1935-1970” (Critic: Björn-Ola Linnér) 
海伦·柯里(Helen Curry) 《培育单一和存储多样:现代工业化农业的基因景观,1935-1970年》(评议人:比约恩-奥拉·林纳) 

Yang Wenjun, “Misplaced Resources: Straw Burning and Social Response in the Urbanization Process of Contemporary China ” (Critic: Li Yushang) 
杨雯钧 《错置的资源:现代中国城市化进程中的秸秆焚烧与社会反应》(评议人:李玉尚) 

10:00-10:30 am Coffee break / 茶歇 

10:30 am-12:00 pm Discussion / 讨论 

12:00-2:00 pm Lunch (Huixian Restaurant) 

2:00-5:30 pm 

Session 2: Controlling Water / 会议第二场 治水 

Chair: Agnes Kneitz / 主席 柯安慈 

Xun Lili,“Water Technology, Landscape Change and State Making In Pastoral Mongolian Area of China” (Critic: Gao Shengrong) 
荀丽丽 《中国内蒙游牧地区的供水技术、景观变迁和国家政权建设》(评议人:高升荣) 

Paul Josephson, “Stalin’s Water Workers and Their Heritage: Industrializing Nature in Russia, 1950-present” (Critic: Maya Peterson) 
保罗·约瑟夫森(Paul Josephson) 《斯大林的水利工人及其遗产:俄国的工业化自然,1950年至今》(评议人:马娅· K.彼得森) 

Maya Peterson, “In the Eye of the Beholder: Vision, Technology, and the Hydraulic Landscape in Central Asia Under Russian and Soviet Rule” (Critic: Maurits Ertsen) 
马娅⋅K.彼得森(Maya K. Peterson) 《观者的视域:俄国和苏联统治时期的愿景、技术与水利景观》(评议人:毛利茨·W.埃尔特森) 

Gao Shengrong, “Drought Impacts in the North West of China: Agriculture, Technology, and Water Usage in the Guanzhong Area during Ming and Qing Dynasty” (Critic: Xun Lili) 
高升荣 《中国西北的干旱影响:明清关中地区的农业、技术和用水》(评议人:荀丽丽)

Maurits Ertsen, “Water is the Driver of Human Nature: Human Agency and Irrigated Landscapes, or Why DaVinci was Partially Correct” (Critic: Paul Josephson) 
毛利茨⋅W⋅埃尔特森(Maurits W. Ertsen) 水是人性的推手:人之作用与灌溉景观,或为何达芬奇是部分正确的?(评议人:保罗·约瑟夫森) 

3:30-4:00 pm Coffee break / 茶歇 

4:30-5:30 pm Discussion / 讨论 

6:00 pm Dinner (Huixian Restaurant) 

5月30日 周六 

Conference Room, International Cultural Exchange Center aka Korean Building (会场:国际文化交流中心  即高丽会馆  会议室) 

上午 8:30 am-12:00 noon 
Session 3: Resolving Conflicts between Nature and Technology /会议第三场:解决自然与技术间的矛盾 

Chair: Mei Xueqin /主席:梅雪芹 

Matthias Heymann, “ Investigating Environmental Coherence: Concepts for the Study of Culture-Environment Relations ” (Critic: Craig Colten) 
马蒂厄斯·海曼(Matthias Heymann) 《研究环境统一性:理解技术-环境之关系》(评议人:克雷格·E.科尔顿) 

Timothy LeCain, “The Case for the Carbocene: A Neo-Materialist History of the Anthropocene Concept” (Critic: Matthias Heymann) 
蒂莫西⋅J.莱凯恩(Timothy J. LeCain) <煤时代的例证:人类世概念的新唯物主义史>(评议人:马蒂厄斯·海曼) 

Sandra Chaney, “Manufacturing Chemical Landscapes in Central Germany: Bitterfeld’s Experience since 1980” (Critic: Chihyung Jeon or Yeonsil Kang) 
桑德拉·钱尼(Sandra Chaney)《在德国中部制造化学景观:1980年以来比特费尔德的经历》(评议人:全志永或姜妍熙) 

Chihyung Jeon and Yeonsil Kang, “A Landscape of No Manufacture: Nature, Technology, and History in the Cheonggyecheon Project of South Korea” (Critic: Will Bryan) 
全志永、姜妍熙(Chihyung Jeon and Yeonsil Kang)《没有工厂的景观:南韩清溪川恢复项目中的自然、技术和历史》(评议人:威尔·布莱恩) 

Craig Colten, “Industrial Ecology and the Geosophy of Groundwater Contamination” (Critic: Sandra Chaney) 
克雷格·E.科尔顿(Craig E. Colten) 《工业生态学和地下水污染的地理知识学》(评议人:桑德拉·钱尼) 

Will Bryan, “Manufacturing “Permanent” Landscapes in the Developing American South” (Critic: Timothy LeCain) 
威尔·布莱恩(Will Bryan)《在美国南方发展中制造“永久”景观》(评议人:蒂莫西·J.莱凯恩) 

10:00-10:30 am Coffee break / 茶歇 

10:30 am-12:00 pm Discussion / 讨论 

12:00-2:00 pm Lunch (Huixian Restaurant) 

2:00-5:30 pm Session 4: Building Infrastructures / 会议第四场 建设基础设施 

Chair: Chen Hao / 主席 陈昊 

Thomas Zeller, “Aiming for Control, Haunted by Its Failure: Towards an Envirotechnical Understanding of Infrastructures” (Critic: Gijs Mom) 
托马斯·泽勒(Thomas Zeller) 旨在控制,忧心失败:对基础设施的环境技术理解(评议人:海斯·莫) 

Mao Da, “Anti-Incineration Movement and Dioxin Controversy in China” (Critic: Yu Xinzhong) 
毛达 《反焚化运动与中国的二恶英争议》(评议人:余新忠) 

Yu Xinzhong, “Disease and Public Hygiene in China in the 20th Century” (Critic: Mao Da) 
余新忠 《20世纪中国的疾病与公共卫生》(评议人:毛达) 

Gijs Mom, “Roads and the Landscape in China: A Personal Research Plan” (Critic: Shawn Miller) 

Shawn Miller, “Manufacturing the Urban Commons: The Nature of the Street in Rio de Janeiro and its Occupation by the Car” (Critic: Thomas Zeller) 

3:15-3:45 pm Coffee break / 茶歇 

3:45-5:00 pm Discussion / 讨论 

5:00-5:30 pm Concluding Discussion/总结讨论 

Moderators: Helmuth Trischler and Xia Mingfang 
主持人:夏明方 赫尔穆特·特里施勒 

6:00 pm Closing Banquet (Fengshang Restaurant)/宴会(峰尚圣宴) 

Co-Hosts: Liu Houbin and Donald Worster 