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发布者:裸聊直播 发布时间:2016-10-07 12:10 阅读量:




    “Are Differences Ineffable!?Diversity, Hybridity and Current Issues in History Writing” A Symposium to be held at Renmin University of China

    Beijing  October 14-16th2016


“写历史:实践中的反思”系列会议自2015年开始举办,在去年关注“空间”问题之后,今年将讨论“差异”。历史学诞生的合法性,根植于一种时间性的差异之中,即“古今之变”。这意味着历史的写作者以自身所在的那个时刻为标界,将“过去”区隔开来,变成一种写作的对象。当然,从古典时代的史家开始,写作所区隔的,不仅是时间,也是空间、族群以及其他的政治体。当现代理性主义出现,将理性视为人的共同特性,而历史过程成为理性演进的各个阶段时,历史主义则试图在特定历史环境的约束下找到讲述个体的方法,但其叙述却深深根植于“民族 文化”差异的预设之中。之后,自下而上的社会史将阶级、种族、性别之间的社会差异,视为批判权力关系,重塑群体记忆的路径。但文化史家却拒绝将差异纯粹视为社会性位置的区隔。另一个术语identity被与差异联系起来,是认同,却也是认异,其中折射出社会结构中的位置与被“建构”的社会身份认同之间的差异。“新文化史”对历史中身份认同和差异问题的推进,已经不限于族群和民族国家的讨论。它尝试将身份认同看作多种社会身份(包括阶层、性别、性征和宗教信仰等)在历史中不断重组的过程,记忆、想象和象征则被视为创造差异的“工具”。在试图超越文化转向的理论家眼中,差异被移至社会位置或实际位置与话语性的社会想象之间,主体开始被理解为以种种社会/文化差异运作为多样化身份策略的行动者。


    差异并非仅栖息在历史学的对象之中,也逐渐成为历史学写作不可回避的问题。现代历史学的文献批判技艺通过对虚构/历史真实的区别奠定了写历史的边界。Lucien Febvre在力推有问题的史学(l’histoire-problème)时,强调年鉴学派应该成为异端,此后,历史的革命似乎总是以“异端的写作”为面目出现。但是什么样的写作者是当代史学的异端?给予理论解释模式的人?计量之后给出表格、公式和数学模型的人?还是试图讲述完整而迷人的故事的人?如果我们认为当代的历史写作在欢庆乃至崇拜“差异”,那么另一个现象也值得注意,即,在文化多元主义、东方学、后殖民理论影响下,聚焦“差异”的历史著作,却在理论框架、价值取向、术语选择乃至叙述模式上都日渐雷同。当我们写作一种关于“差异”的历史时,究竟有没有更多样的选择?于是,差异最后从写作对象和写作实践落回到写作者自身,在我们的著作里还可以容纳多少差异,无论是对象还是路径?我们的写作策略和表达方式还可以有多少差异?当我们预想的读者千差万别时,写作者要如何找到“自己”的风格与声音?这是当下历史写作的“差异”问题,也许也可以作为2016年“写历史:实践中的反思”会议讨论的起点。

    会前相关活动Pre-symposium events


    下午3时至5    人大青年史学工作坊数字人文工作坊

    (Digital Humanity Workshop Series of the Young Historians’ Workshop)

    文本标记、可视化与历史研究Text Analysis, Visualization, and Historical Research    主讲人:魏希德(Hilde De Weerdt)莱顿大学(Leiden University)

    主持人:古丽巍(Gu Liwei)中国人民大学(RUC)

    工作语言:英文和中文   Working Languages: English and Chinese


    Venue: Conference Room, the 3rd floor of Humanity Building, RUC


    上午10时至1130    出版论坛(Publishing Forum Series)

    Session A:古籍整理和出版

    (Ancient Texts and Modern Publishing)

    主持人:古丽巍(Gu Liwei)中国人民大学(RUC)

    工作语言:中文   Working Language: Chinese


    Venue: Conference Room, the 3rd floor of Humanity Building, RUC

    Session B:中国人文期刊的英文版与中国人文研究者的英文发表

    (English Version as a New Trend of Humanity Journals in China?)

(School of History, RUC)

    工作语言:中文和英文   Working Languages: Chinese and English


    Venue: Conference Room, the 4th floor of Humanity Building, RUC


    Conference Program


    下午2时至630    Oct. 14 (Friday) 14:00-18:30


    主持人(Moderator):侯深(HouShen) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)

    工作语言:中文和英文   Working Languages: Chinese and English


    Venue: Auditorium, School of Art, RUC

    14:00-14:30pm致辞Opening Remarks

    致辞人(Speaker)Donald Worster裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC    14:30-16:00pm 主题演讲  Keynote Speech

    历史叙事中的结构与差异(Structure and Difference in the Narrative of History    主讲人:王明珂中研院史语所

    Keynote Speaker: Wang Mingke (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)


    Commentator: Peng Gang (History Department, Tsinghua University)


    “Speaking History” Series of Lectures

    16:30-17:30pm   演讲一:在中国发现知识论

    Lecture I: Finding Epistemology in Pre-modern China


    Speaker: LeahYaZuo(Bowdoin College)


    Lecutre II: (History and Texts of the Offshore Islands in Zhejiang and Fujian Province in the Ming and Qing Dynasty )


    Speaker: Xie Shi (Sun Yat-Sen University)


    Oct. 15 (Saturday)

	Session A
Venue: Conference Room, the 3rd floor of Humanity Building, RUC
Session B 地点:中国人民大学人文楼四楼会议室 Venue: Conference Room, the 4th floor of Humanity Building, RUC
900- 1035 am 独一无二的经验?:全球/地方视野下的东亚史(Unique Experience?: Comprehending East Asian History in a Global/Local Perspective) 主持人:杜宣莹(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: HsuanyingTu(School of History, RUC) 工作语言:英文 Working Language: English 信仰、性别与空间:比较宗教史的视野(Belief, Gender and Space: A Comparative Perspective of Religions in History) 主持人:王文婧(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Commentator: Wang Wenjing(School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文 Working Language: Chinese
叶莲娜•格莱蒂奇(JelenaGledić)贝尔格莱德大学语言裸聊直播 (University of Belgrade Faculty of Philology) 不可名状的东亚: 区域和全球视野下的文化认同(Elusive East Asia: Regional and Global Perspectives on Cultural Identity) 评议人:刘文楠(中国社会科裸聊直播 近代史研究所) Commentator: Liu Wennan(Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)   康智谋(MujeebKhan)剑桥大学(University of Cambridge) 常规、亚洲与过去  现代主义与医学史写作(Normal, Asia, and the Past: Presentism and the Writing of Medical History)   高爱宁(Annika A. Culver)弗洛里达州立大学(Florida State University) 文学作品用于历史解释:以满洲国为例(Historical Interpretation Via Literature: A Case for Manchukuo, 1932-1945) 评议人:高波(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Commentator: Gao Bo(School of History, RUC) 周施廷(Zhou Shiting)裸聊直播-裸聊直播app (School of History, RUC) 墙内墙外:宗教改革时期的圣佳兰修道院改革(Inside/Outside the Wall: The Reform of the Saint Clare Monetary during the Reformation)   张梅雅(Chang Meiya)台湾大学(National Taiwan University) 跨界共生:唐代两京地区比丘尼的宗教与社会生活(Symbiosis across Boundaries: Religious and Social Life of Buddhist Nuns in Chang’an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty)   易素梅(Yi Sumei) 中山大学历史学系(Sun Yat-Sen University) 宋代女孝文化转型论略  以曹娥与朱娥并祀为中心的历史考察(The Transformation of Piety Culture among Women in the Song Dynasty: A Case Study of Enshrining Lady Cao and Lady Zhu Together)   总评人:刘永华(厦门大学历史学系) General Commentator: Liu Yonghua(History Department, Xiamen University)
10:50 am-12:40 pm 边缘与中心: 近代中国文化的重构(Periphery and Center: The Reconstruction of Early Modern Chinese Culture 主持人:高波(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Gao Bo (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文 Working Language: Chinese 他我之间:环境、身体与食物的历史(Between Selves and Others: The History of Environment, Bodies and Food) 主持人:侯深(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: HouShen (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文和英文 Working Languages: Chinese and English
瞿骏(Qu Jun)华东师范大学历史系(History Department, East China Normal University) 钱穆与新文化运动再探(Qian Mu and the New Culture Movement: A Revisit)   章可(Zhang Ke)复旦大学中华文明国际研究中心(International Center for Chinese Civilization, Fudan University) “同情”何来?  19世纪中国的英治印度形象(Where Did “Compassion” Come from?: Chinese Intellectuals’ Attitude towards British India in the Late Qing Period (or The Chinese Imagination of British India in the 19th Century)   袁一丹(Yuan Yidan)首都师范大学文裸聊直播 (School of Literature, Capital Normal University) “吴老爹之道统”  新文学家的游戏笔墨及思想资源(“The Orthodoxy of Daddy Wu”: Word Games and Intellectual Resources of the New Litterateur)   张华(Zhang Hua)重庆大学人文社会科学高等研究院(Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University) 超越科玄矛盾的三种思路  以人生观论战周边知识人探索为中心(Three Ways to Go beyond Conflicts between Science and Metaphysics: From the Perspective of Marginal Intellectualsin the Debate on the View of Life)   蔡炯昊(CaiJionghao)华东师范大学思勉人文高等研究院(Simian Institute, East China Normal University) 新国体下的旧史学  民国初年的宣付清史馆立传(1914 1927)(The Old Historiography under a New State System: Writing Biographies in the Bureau of Editing Qing History in the Early Period of Republican China)   总评人:黄兴涛(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) General Commentator: Huang Xingtao (School of History, RUC) 乔瑜(Qiao Yu)首都师范大学裸聊直播 (School of History, Capital Normal University) 澳大利亚的灌溉叙事(The Narrative of Irrigation in Australia)   侯深(HouShen)裸聊直播-裸聊直播app (School of History, RUC) 自然的灵药:青岛啤酒的环境史(Tonics of Nature: An Environmental History of Tsingtao Beer)   施雱(Shi Pang)云南大学裸聊直播 (School of History, Yunnan University) 20世纪50年代以来美国社会对抗生素的认知变迁(TheTransformation of the Social Recognition ofAntibiotics in the United States Since the 1950s)   柯安慈(Agnes Kneitz)裸聊直播-裸聊直播app (School of History, RUC) 同,同,而异:化学妙方中的动物与人类身体(“Same, Same, but Different. Animal and Human Bodies in Chemical Solution”)   总评人:梅雪芹(清华大学历史学系)、夏明方(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) General Commentators: Mei Xueqin and Xia Mingfang(School of History, RUC)
13:00-14:20 pm 午餐会与期刊发表论坛Brownbag Lunch: Forum on Journal Publications 主持人:高波(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Gao Bo (School of History, RUC)
14:30-16:20 pm 政治空间的内外张力与性别因素(The Interior and Exterior Tensions and Gender Elements in Political Spaces) 主持人:古丽巍(中国人民大学附中&裸聊直播 唐宋史研究中心) Moderator: GuLiwei(RUC) 工作语言:中文和英文 Working Languages: Chinese and English 中国历史上的法律与差异(The Laws and Differences in Chinese History) 主持人:胡祥雨(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Hu Xiangyu (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文 Working Language: Chinese
杜宣莹(Hsuan-Ying Tu)裸聊直播-裸聊直播app (School of History, RUC) 从讯息控管检视英格兰伊丽莎白一世时期内廷与外廷的消长(Reshaping the Regime: Elizabeth I’s Control of Information and the Decline of the Privy Chamber)   梁思乐(Leung Sze-lok)香港大学中文裸聊直播 (School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong) 垂帘听政之路  向后与北宋末年的宫廷政治(How to Attend to State Affairs behind the Curtain: Empress Xiang and the Court Politics in the Late Period of Northern Song Dynasty)   许张凤(XuZhangfeng)阿伯丁大学凯尔特与盎格鲁-撒克逊研究中心(The Centre for Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Studies, University of Aberdeen) 盎格鲁-撒克逊晚期英格兰的派系政治(Factional Politics in late Anglo-Saxon England)   古丽巍(GuLiwei)中国人民大学附中&裸聊直播 唐宋史研究中心(RUC) 居中御外:从灵州之役看宋神宗军事指挥的方式及意义(Dominating the Periphery from the Center: The Strategies and Significance of the Military Command during the Period of Emperor Song Shenzong)   总评人:魏希德(Hilde De Weerdt)莱顿大学(Leiden University) 徐进(Xue Jin) 华东师范大学思勉研究院(Simian Institute, East China Normal University) 政治运动与“革命法律”的基层实践  以山东省L县为例的考察(1951 1956) (Political Movements and the Grassroots Practices of Revolutionary Laws: A Case Study on L Town, Shandong Province, 1951-1956) 评议人:李欣荣 Commentator: Li Xinrong   杨松涛(Yang Songtao)河南大学法裸聊直播 (Law School, Henan University) 易被激怒的码头世界:十八世纪清代巴县的激情杀人与刑事司法(Enraged World of Hoverport: Passionate Homicide and Criminal Judicature in Baxian in the 18th Century) 评议人:张蓓蓓 Commetator: Zhang Beibei   张蓓蓓(Zhang Beibei)中国政法大学(China University of Political Science of Law) 言殊同:百年中国大陆地区古代司法档案整理与法律史书写(Talking about Resemblances and Differences: Arrangements of Ancient Legal Archives and Writing History of Law in Mainland China in Last One Hundred Years) 评议人:杨松涛 Commentator: Yang Songtao   李欣荣(Li Xinrong)中山大学历史学系(Sun Yat-Sen University) 令远人心服:清季京师模范监狱的构筑与人事(When the Visitors from Far Away Were Genuinely Convicted: Building An Exemplary Prison in Capital and Personnel Matters in Qing Dynasty ) 评议人:徐进 Commentator: Xu Jin
16:40-18:30 pm 类型之外:差异的考古学解读(Beyond Typology: Archaeological Interpretation of Differences) 主持人:刘未(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Liu Wei (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文 Working Language: Chinese 中国历史中的“疯狂”与精神疾病(Madness and Mental Illness in Chinese History) 主持人:陈昊(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Chen Hao (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文和英文 Working Languages: Chinese and English
韩巍(Han Wei)北京大学中国古代史研究中心(Center for Research on Ancient Chinese History, Peking University) “延滞”与“超前”  西周铜器演变中的特殊现象及其对断代研究的影响(“Lagging Behind”and “Leading Ahead”: The Particular Phenomenon of the Bronze Vessel Evolution in the Western Zhou Dynasty and Its Influence on Historical Periodization) 评议人:曹斌(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Commentator: Cao Bin (School of History, Cao Bin)   张闻捷(Zhang Wenjie)厦门大学历史学系(History Department, Xiamen University) 葬钟陈列与周代乐悬制度(The Exhibition of Buried Chimes and the System of Suspending Instruments in Zhou Dynasty) 评议人:常怀颖(中国社会科裸聊直播 考古研究所) Commentator: Chang Huaiying(Institute of Archeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)   王煜(Wang Yu)四川大学历史文化裸聊直播 (School of History, Sichuan University) 被凸显或忽视的差异:考古学文化、类型与早期历史、民族研究的反思  以战国秦汉时期的西南地区青铜文化为例(Differences Highlighted or Overlooked: Reflections on Archaeological Culture, Types and Early History, and Ethnic Studies in the Early Period  the Bronze Culture of the Southwest Region during the Warring States and Qin-Han Period) 评议人:单月英(中国国家博物馆) Commentator: Shan Yueying(Chinese National Museum)   耿朔(GengShuo)中央美术裸聊直播 人文裸聊直播 (School of Humanities, China Central Academy of Fine Arts) 大同与小异:南朝墓葬所出“竹林七贤与荣启期”拼镶砖画再思(General Resemblance and Minor Differences: The Reinvestigation of the Portrait Bricks on “Seven Persons of Virtue in Bamboo Forest and RongQiqi” from Tombs of the Southern Dynasties) 评议人:赵俊杰(吉林大学文裸聊直播 ) Commentator: Zhao Junjie (School of Literature, Jilin University) 金钟铉(Jong-Hyun Kim)庆熙大学韩医裸聊直播 原典学系(Department of Korean Medical Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Kyung Hee University) 通过马王堆帛书来看古代中国医学对癫疾的理解(Understanding of dian (insanity) In Ancient Chinese Medicine: A Case Study Based on Mawangdui Manuscripts) 评议人:赵容俊(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Commentator: Yong-Jun Cho (School of History, RUC)     席灿文(Fabien Simonis) 疯病还是顛狂:语言、实践与“文化差异”的涌现(Madness Illness or Insanity? Language, Practice, and the Emergence of “Cultural Differences”) 评议人:左娅(博登大学) Commentator: Leah YaZuo (Bowdoin College)   龙伟(Long Wei)  西南科技大学(Southwest University of Science and Technology) 治愈、神话与滥用:民国时期洒尔佛散的药物治疗与日常消费(Healing, Myth and Abusing: Medical Using and Daily Consuming of Magic Bullet in Republican China) 评议人:张华(重庆大学人文社会科学高等研究院) Commentator: Zhang Hua(Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University)
  10月16日(周日) Oct. 16 (Sunday)  
  Session A 地点:中国人民大学人文楼三楼会议室 Venue: Conference Room, the 3rd floor of Humanity Building, RUC Session B 地点:中国人民大学人文楼四楼会议室 Venue: Conference Room, the 4th floor of Humanity Building, RUC
9:30-12:00 am 族群认同与述史差异(Ethnic Identity and the Difference of Historical Narratives 主持人:姜萌(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Jiang Meng (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文和英文 Working Languages: Chinese and English 界:地理空间的分割术(Borderline: Geographical Imagination and Political Practices) 主持人:胡恒(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Hu Heng (School of History, RUC) 工作语言:中文和英文 Working Languages: Chinese and English
钟焓(Zhong Han)中央民族大学裸聊直播 (School of History, Minzu University of China): 非汉文史料中所见的“中国”一名及“中国意识”辑考(On the Term of “China” in Non-Chinese Historical Resources and the Awareness of China)   张凯(Zhang Kai)浙江大学历史系(History Department, Zhejiang University) 今古分合与“国史”叙述:以柳诒徵、蒙文通为中心(The Debate on Confucian Classics and the Narrative of “State History”: A Case Study on Liu Yizheng and MengWentong)   姜萌(Jiang Meng)裸聊直播-裸聊直播app (School of history, RUC) “同祖”与“同化”  清末民国知识精英建构“自我”认同的两种取向(“Homoeology” and “Assimilation”: Two Orientations of Identity Construction among Intellectual Elites in the Late Period of the Qing Dynasty and Republican China)   袁剑(Yuan Jian)中央民族大学世界民族学人类学研究中心(Institute of Global Ethnology and Anthropology, Min University of China) 24年与550年:当代哈萨克斯坦的国史建构运动及其仪式实践(The Years of 24 and 550: The Construction Campaign of State History and its Ritualistic Practices in Contemporary Kazakhstan)   石久磨(Jomo Smith)麻省理工裸聊直播 (MIT) 商贸联系:甘肃边疆的回藏关系,1928-1947(“Trading Bonds: Chinese Muslim and Tibetan relations on the Gansu Frontier, 1928-1947”)   总评人:关凯(中央民族大学) General Commentator: Guan Kai (Minzu University of China) 谢湜(Xie Shi)中山大学历史学系(Sun Yat-Sen University) “封禁之故事”:明清至民国初年浙江南田岛的疆域历程(“The History of Ban”: The Territory Evolution of the Nantian Island in Zhejiang Province from the Ming Dynasty to Early Republican China) 评议人:王晗(苏州大学历史学系) Commentator:Wang Han (History Department, Suzhou University)   王晗(Wang Han) 苏州大学历史学系(History Department, Suzhou University) 灯火阑珊处:晚清民国时期蒙陕农牧交错带“赔教地”研究(A Place with Waning Lights: A Research on the Boundary Area of Farming and Stockbreeding in Late Qing Dynasty and Republican China) 评议人:谢湜(中山大学历史学系) Commentator:Xie Shi(Sun Yat-Sen University)   陈飞(ChenFei)东京大学(University of Tokyo) 黄河与扬子江:清末留日学生杂志中的南北话语的兴起(The Yellow River and the Yangtze River: The Emergence of the Discourse ofNorth and SouthamongChinese Students in MeijiJapan) 评议人:陈鹏(中央民族大学历史文化裸聊直播 ) Commentator:Chen Peng (School of History and Culture, Minzu University of China)   罗丹(Daniel Knorr)芝加哥大学(University of Chicago) 王朝留在地方的影子:《续修历城县志》中的清史书写(The Local Shadows of Empire: Writing Qing History in the XuxiuLichengxianzhi) 评议人:胡祥雨(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Commentator:Hu Xiangyu (School of History, RUC)
12:20-14:00 pm 午餐会与出版社论坛Brownbag Lunch with Editors from Academic Publishing Houses 主持人:胡恒(裸聊直播-裸聊直播app ) Moderator: Hu Heng(School of History, RUC)

    主持人(Moderator):姜萌(Jiang Meng) 裸聊直播-裸聊直播app
(School of History, RUC)


    Working Languages: Chinese and English


    Venue:Yifu Conference Center, RUC

    1430-1530pm 特别演讲Special Speech

    Meryl AltmanDePauw University    波伏娃在中国(Beauvoirin China    1600-1800 pm圆桌会议Roundtable Discussion


    Speakers: Peng Gang (Tsinghua University), Hilde De Weerdt(Leiden University), Liu Yonghua (Xiamen University), Guan Kai(Minzu University of China), Li Longguo(Peking University)

    18:00-18:30 pm致辞Closing Remarks

(School of History, RUC