吴晓桐,河北正定人。本科毕业于山东大学考古系,博士毕业于中国科学技术大学科技史与科技考古系,获理学博士学位。曾任山东大学博士后和中国科学技术大学特任副研究员。研究领域为先秦考古和科技考古,重点研究古代人群迁徙、资源产地和文化传播等课题。先后参加山东即墨北阡、浙江安吉安乐、希腊Sarakenos Cave、山东日照苏家村遗址的考古发掘工作。主持国家和省部级课题多项,发表学术论文三十余篇。
2018年至2020年,山东大学历史文化裸聊直播 博士后
2022年至2024年,裸聊直播-裸聊直播app 考古文博系师资博士后
2024年至今,裸聊直播-裸聊直播app 考古文博系讲师,青年英才
(3)山东省自然学科基金青年项目“海岱地区生物锶同位素分布地图与史前人口迁徙研究”, 2021-2024年
(4)山东省社科规划项目青年项目“海岱地区生物锶同位素地图与先秦人口迁徙研究”, 2020-2022年
(6)中国科学技术大学青年创新基金“距今4500~4000年晋南与海岱地区之间的人口迁徙”, 2021-2023年
(1)Xiaotong Wu, Fengshou Ji, Xiaolei Zhang, Fen Wang, Fanzhen Feng, Qingyu Lu, Shijie Zhao, Yunyi Zhang, Chen Wang, Fang Huang, Xingxiang Zhang*, 2022. Geochemical evidence reveals a long-distance trade of white pottery in Neolithic China 5000 years ago. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 44, 103533: 1-10.
(4)Mei Huang, Xiaotong Wu*, Xinzhou Chen, Li Tao, Xiaohua Wu, Min Shi, Fei Li, Fang Huang, Zhengyao Jin, 2021. Wuchuan bronzes and cinnabar mining immigrants during the Qin and Han Dynasties——new perspectives from typological and lead isotope analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 13, 198: 1-11.
(7)Baoshuai Zhang, Xiaotong Wu*, Yufeng Sun, Melissa Ritchey, Anchuan Fan, Yuanyuan Zhang, Ge Yu, Yanbo Song, 2021. Complex Raw Materials and Supply System: Mineralogical and Geochemical Study for the Jade Artefacts of Longshan Culture (2400~2000BC) from Sujiacun Site in Coastal Shandong, China, Archaeometry, 63(1):1-18.
(8)Yingzi Zhangsun, Zhengyao Jin*, Fanzhen Feng, Jianhua Tian, Haigang Wang, Congcang Zhao, Fang Huang, Xiaotong Wu*, 2021. Revisit the Lead Isotopic Compositions of the Shang Bronzes at Hanzhong and the new Hypothesis of Qinling as the source of Highly Radiogenic Lead, Archaeometry, 63(1): 122-141.
(11)Xiaotong Wu, Anke Hein*, Xingxiang Zhang, Zhengyao Jin, Dong Wei, Fang Huang, Xijie Yin, 2019. Resettlement strategies and Han imperial expansion into southwest China: a multimethod approach to colonialism and migration, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(12): 6751-6781.
(13)Xiaotong Wu, Xingxiang Zhang*, Zhengyao Jin*, Yanbo Song, Fengshi Luan, Xinming Xue, 2019. Strontium Isotope Analysis of Yangtze Alligator Remains from Late Neolithic North China, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(3): 1049-1058.
(15)Xingxiang Zhang, Xiaoran Wang, Xiaotong Wu*, Zhengyao Jin*, Herong Zhang, Fang Huang, 2018. Investigating human migration and horse-trading of Yelang (夜郎) through strontium isotope analysis of skeletons from Zhougshui sites, Southwest China (1300BC~AD25). Archaeometry 60(1):157-170.
(16)吴晓桐,饶晓燕,宋艳波:《新石器时代环境与社会互动下的骨器生产——以关中地区为例》,《动物考古(第二辑)》,北京:文物出版社,2014: 84-94.
(17)Xiaotong Wu, Jinzhuo Tan*, Xiansheng Yan, Zhen Fang, Xiuling Liu, Lei Zhu, Wenbin Dong, Tao Qu, Zhengyao Jin*, 2024. Highly radiogenic lead in shandong bronzes (5th-3rd century BC) and lead mines provides evidence of a metal road from China to Korea and Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science. 170, 106047: 1-8.
(20)Xiaotong Wu, Zhiyong Guo, Nu He, Shijie Zhao, Yanxin Li, Huimin Yu, Fang Huang, Xingxiang Zhang*, 2024. Intermarriage and ancient polity alliances: isotopic evidence of cross-regional female exogamy during the Longshan period (2500–1900 BC). Antiquity. 397, 48-65.
(21)Ran Xu, Xiaotong Wu*, Zhiqing Zhou, Jian Chen, Xiaoxiao Hao, Xingxiang Zhang*. 2024. Diversification in subsistence pattern of animal resources in the Hengduan Mountains: Multi-isotopic evidence of Yingpanshan and Guijiabao site (5300-4000 cal. BP), China. Archaeomety. Online, 1-20.
(22)Yingzi Zhangsun, Xiaotong Wu*, Linxiang Liu, Junchang Yang*, 2024. Bronze technology and metal resources in the Zhouyuan area before and after the replacement of Shang and Zhou Dynastiesonze technology and metal resources in the Zhouyuan area before and after the replacement of Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Archaeological and anthropological sciences. 16: 164.
(23)Jiangbo Ma, Xiaotong Wu*, Xiansheng Yan, 2023. Metal Trade and National Integration: bronze technology and metal resources of Yue Style Bronzes from Hunan (8 ~ 5 C. BCE). Heritage Science. 11: 128.
(25)Dongyi Yang, Xiaotong Wu*, Ruiliang Liu, Qing Wang, Benheng Shi, Tai Qu, Jianhua Tian, Fenglin Hua, Xingxiang Zhang*, 2023. From diversity to monopoly: major economic policy change in the Western Han Dynasty revealed by lead isotopic analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 15: 37.
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