Dr. Paul Cavill got PhD in 1996. He is a lecturer in the School of English Studies at the University of Nottingham. He is an editor of the Journal of the English Place-Name Society as well. He likes old English language. His academic field is widely on English place-names. He has published Wirral and Its Viking Heritage (2000) and other monographs and articles on various topics. 保罗•卡维尔博士,1996年获得博士学位,诺丁汉大学英语裸聊直播 讲师,《英格兰地名学会杂志》编辑。他喜欢古英语,学术领域是英格兰地名及其相关主题,出版有Wirral and Its Viking Heritage (2000) 及诸多题材的专著和论文。
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